We’re approaching the end of January. It’s been cold, grey and all those fantastic intentions to start the new year with new habits are starting to feel a little bit tedious already.
If you’re keenness to keep going with this years New Years Resolutions is waning and you’re looking for a bit of encouragement, then you’re in the right place. We’ve got just the motivation you need!
Sometimes a bit of accountability can work wonders. And there’s no better accountability than raising money for a cause close to your heart.
Turn These Top 5 New Years Resolutions Into Fundraising Ideas

Walk / Jog / Run
How many people have started the new year off with a regular run but are now finding it a bit monotonous? Get that spring back in your step by raising money every time you set foot for that jog. Ask your colleagues, friends and family to sponsor your efforts to keep going for a set time period – Perhaps at least one more month!

Dry January
After the indulgences of excess food and drink over the Christmas period, dry January is a hugely favoured New Years Resolution. Giving up alcohol for the duration of January is a popular choice – Whether you’re finding it a bit tough or surprisingly straightforward, get your loved ones to encourage you to keep going with some donations! Sharing your newly found soft drink recipes on social media might inspire others to join you in your fundraising efforts!

Stop Smoking / Vaping
Whilst we’re on the subject of quitting, one of the top ten New Year Resolutions is to stop smoking. It’s a big one – And one that your friends, family and even colleagues are likely to get behind you on. So why not get them to really incentivise you to stop by asking for sponsorship money for every week you manage to stay off the cigarettes/ vapes?

Healthy Eating
If you’re anything like us, you’ve been craving more veggies during the first couple of weeks of January. A festive fortnight of eating and drinking over Christmas, plus the many germs that seem to be doing the rounds, might have you on a bit of a heathy eating kick. Finish January by ditching the weekly takeaways and feeling healthier by eating more nourishing foods – And if that’s not enough of an incentive then get the people in your life to sponsor your efforts. Don’t forget to share your healthy recipes online! You could even consider donating some of the money you’ll save from not ordering in.

New Hobby
It’s so important to find some work-life balance – And a new hobby is a great way of doing that! There are literally limitless possibilities – Perhaps it’ll be painting, or gardening, a new exercise class like yoga or a bit of crocheting. These types of New Year Resolution are easy to track your progress on which makes it a great opportunity to share with friends, family and followers to encourage donations! Plus, if it’s a creative pursuit you could even try and sell some of what you make with the proceeds going to your charity of choice.
Make it measurable. Don’t just say ‘Oh I’ll go on more walks’ – Specify which days of the week you’re going to commit to walking or how many times per week you plan to go. This goes for any of the above – Make it quantifiable and set yourself clear targets to work towards – That way it’s easier to stay accountable and share your success!
Go Digital
Will 2025 be the year you take your fundraising online? If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to take the plunge.
Online tools have been a lifeline for all sorts of businesses and charitable organisations in the past few years, especially since the pandemic.
There are many online fundraising tools at your disposal. To learn more about how Donater’s suite of online fundraising tools could help your charity to boost donations, get in touch with us today.
You can also find plenty of online fundraising ideas over on our blog!
Will you be turning a failing New Year’s Resolution into a fundraiser? We’d love to hear how! Get in touch on Facebook or Instagram and tag us in your posts and stories.