We’ve spoken a lot about how charities have been hit hard throughout this pandemic – But schools are struggling too. We’ve had several enquiries recently from PTA’s asking how can Donater help to keep schools fundraising amid cancelled events and social distancing.
It seems there are two main struggles for PTA’s at the moment
As with all charities, the need for fundraising doesn’t just grind to a halt because everything else has. They still need to raise vital funds, and schools are facing the same challenges.
- Thinking of fundraising ideas for schools when the usual events can’t take place
- Taking donations when people are wary of using cash
Thankfully, even prior to Covid-19, the technology for making contactless donations possible has been there ready. It’s already been making donations easier and more accessible to those that need to fundraise in a more digital manner.
Our Smart Sticker solution will help to solve some of the fundraising problems currently being faced by schools, as well as other organisations.
So how can Donater help your school PTA to fundraise and accept cashless donations?
Here are some fundraising ideas for your PTA, using Donater technology.
1. Our Smart Stickers

A classic fundraising idea for schools is the traditional ‘How many sweets are in the jar’ or ‘Guess the weight of the pumpkin.’ Both of which would still work amid social distancing regulations. But how will you take the donations for entries?
People are definitely carrying less cash around at the moment, and asking people to do a bank transfer for a few pounds is, let’s be honest, a bit of a faff. Parents will leave the playground and forget, just going about their day.
Our Smart Stickers are really versatile and can be put almost anywhere. Stick one to the donation jar, and parents can donate simply by:
– Scanning the QR code on their smartphone. This will take them to your Donater donation page, where they can make a quick, easy online payment.
– Tapping their phone on the NFC tag embedded in the Smart Sticker. If they have NFC enabled on their phone, they can just tap it on the Smart Sticker and they will be taken to your Donater donation page where they can make their donation online.
Problem solved!
2. Printable QR Codes

Our QR codes are easy to print on paper, so lend themselves well to any communication you might be making with your parents. Here are some PTA fundraising ideas for your school using Donater’s printable QR codes:
- Having a socially distanced cake sale? Print the QR code and stick it to the table.
- Trying to increase awareness of a fundraiser via newsletter? Pop the QR code at the bottom.
- Holding a Parents Evening? Make a QR code accessible in the waiting area along with information on all the amazing things their donations secure for the children.
- Once the pandemic is over, you could use them at Coffee Mornings, Second Hand Uniform Sales, Sports Day, the Summer Fete, Fireworks Night, the Christmas Fair. The possibilities are endless.
There’s no set limit to how many you can have – Print as many as you need as and when.
3. Tech Ready

Fundraising can happen anywhere and anytime – It doesn’t have to be an actual PTA school fundraiser to get donations.
If your school are lucky enough to have iPads or tablets, then you can have these ready with your online Donater donation page in the browser. All parents have to do is put in their details and they can make a quick online donation. No cash, no fuss!
4. Social Media Platforms

We all know how important a role social media plays when trying to raise awareness, communicate with donors and boost fundraising. It’s a great place to share fundraising ideas for your school PTA.
A school PTA fundraising page on Facebook is also the perfect place to share your Donater donation page link. Pin it to the top, and it will be easily accessible to all your parents and friends of the school so they can make a donation any time.
Your Donater donation page link can also be shared on your school website and via online newsletters.
5. Donation Points Around School

Where do parents spend the most time when they come to drop off and pick up their children? These are the places that could benefit from a printed Donater QR code or Smart Sticker, especially if they’re likely to be stood waiting.
It’s time to think outside the box when it comes to fundraising ideas for your school PTA. Without the ability to hold the traditional school fundraisers, you need to tap in to other opportunities to get donations.
Perhaps you could place them on the classroom doors or windows along with other notices and reminders. They could also be put at the front of the school by the entrance.
The school office is also a busy place – Checking lost property for their child’s 5th missing jumper, making a payment for school dinners, checking a date, completing paperwork. Parents doing any of these things could easily scan or tap a Smart Sticker on their way out and donate a set amount pre-decided by the school.
Imagine how much extra money could be raised for the school with a few quid being donated here and there by people calling in the office or stood waiting for their child at the end of the day.
6. This All Sounds Brilliant – But What Does It Cost?

We know things are hard right now. When we started developing this technology, we knew how important it was to make sure that any organisation using our Smart Stickers and QR codes got as much of the donation as possible. Every penny counts – Head to our pricing page to see how you can keep control of your own money.
There are no monthly costs or ongoing payments, no set up fee and no commitment.
If you would like to know more about how our Smart Stickers, QR codes and donation pages can help your school PTA to fundraise then get in touch with us today or message us on Facebook. We would be happy to go through the options with you.
We’ve also got a whole blog dedicated to fundraising tips. For more fundraising ideas for your school PTA once we are out of this pandemic, check out our Events Calendar blog (this was written prior to Covid-19 and social distancing regulations – Please organise responsibly).